Supay Molino Qaqa - Potosi, Potosi
Versión acelerada para celularAt Supay Molino Qaqa,(The devil's Mill)the rupestrian paintings are painted over an oblique wall.The surface of this wall seems to be covered by an arenaceous-ferrous type of stone.We can also appreciate very clearly certain geometric figures(straight and curved lines, spirals, circles, multi-form figures, phyto-morphic figures, etc.), zoomorphic representations (Ruminants and Camelidae) and anthropomorphic figures.Through the paintings we can also perceive several different periods of time (from 400 to 6,000 years ago).The paintings have a reddish-purple color and some touches of white,black and yellow.
Tours recomendados:
Barrios Indigenas de Potosi Tour, 3 horas
Tour Parque Nacional Sajama y Rio Lauca, 2 días - 1 noche
Potosi City Tour y Museos, 4 horas
Potosi Leyendas y Arte Tour, 3 horas
Circuito Minero Tour, 6 horas
Potosi Haciendas Coloniales Tour, 4 horas
Tour Parque Nacional Sajama, Día completo (12 horas)
Huayna Potosi - Montanismo, 3 Días
Paseos a Caballo en Potosi,