La Puerta del Diablo - Potosi, Potosi
Versión acelerada para celularLa Puerta del Diablo (Devil's Door) is located six kilometers from Potosi and presents an interesting geological structure made of red sand-stone, a construction that extends all the way to the entrance of the cave. Although it is particularly difficult to enter into the cave itself, it is still an outstanding view to see this amazing geologic formation.
Tours recomendados:
Barrios Indigenas de Potosi Tour, 3 horas
Tour Parque Nacional Sajama y Rio Lauca, 2 días - 1 noche
Potosi City Tour y Museos, 4 horas
Potosi Leyendas y Arte Tour, 3 horas
Circuito Minero Tour, 6 horas
Potosi Haciendas Coloniales Tour, 4 horas
Tour Parque Nacional Sajama, Día completo (12 horas)
Huayna Potosi - Montanismo, 3 Días
Paseos a Caballo en Potosi,