Manuripi Wildlife Reserve - Pando, Pando
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The National Reserve of Amazon Wildlife Manuripi is located to the Southwest of the Pando Department and covers part of the Manuripi Province. It involves to two municipalities: Puerto Rico and Philadelphia. It has an extension of 7,470 km2.
The National Reserve Manuripi presents zones of incredible forest beauty, rivers and lagoons. The rivers are apt for navigation and recreation. Among the tourist attractions are the Bay Lake (located at 111 km from the Cobija city) which contains an infinity of fish, birds, lizards and other species. The climate is tropical, humid and hot, presenting average temperatures of 26.2C at the Southeast and 24.9C at the Northwest. The average maximums are 31C.
The park corresponds in all of its extension to the Amazon Humid Tropical Forest ecosystem. The characteristic forests are the la castana, isigo, pacay, ochoo, arrayan, mapajo, almendrillo amarillo, goma, mara macho and miso Amarillo. Among the palms are found: the royal palm, several species of chonta, el majo, marfil vegetal, motacu and the asai.
The fauna is diverse and typical of the Amazon. The common animals are the jaguar, puma, tigrecillo, gato montes, zorro, lobito de rio, pejichi, anta, tamandua, chancho de tropa, chancho de monte, jochi, jochi pintado, huaso, urina and the famous black cayman. Among the primates are the spider monkey, manechi, black monkey or chichilo. The population of the Area is concentrated in communities. The majority of the communities are located near the highway between Philadelphia and Chive, both of them located on the border of the Madre de Dios river.
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