Las Lomas Prehispánicas - Beni, Beni
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The Pre-Hispanic Hills are located in between the Andes and the Guapore River. It is an incredible place where nature, ecological tourism, scientific investigation, bird watching, visiting sanctuaries, colonial history, archaeology, tours of the Amazon, ethnography of the Amazon, adventure, navigation in natives' canoes, fishing, horse-back riding and visits to some of the feudal homes, can all be practiced in one place.
From the air, visitors can see an amazing display, which simply stuns most travelers.
The artificial hills are platforms that were constructed 5,500 years ago. These amazing constructions were made by various civilizations that inhabited this land. Some of these civilizations are considered to be among the most important cultures ever to master hydraulic technology in the world, and these hills are palpable proof of their ingenuity. Around the platforms we can also see a great amount of fauna and flora.
These hills have also been the site where a great deal of archaeological pieces have been found of ancient cultures from Beni. Most of these discoveries were made during the time in which rubber and chestnut were at the height of their exploitation.
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